Umbrian cuisine, whose roots go back to the Umbrian and Roman civilizations, is based on a long tradition, with dishes that are not always poor or popular, but with frequent use of legumes and cereals. Little influenced by the neighboring regions, it is essentially based on meat and products of the earth, which are used both on important occasions and in the daily meal. It is a simple kitchen, with processes that are generally not too elaborate, which clearly enhance the flavors of the raw materials.

Typical of the whole area is the processing of pork and the production of cured meats: particularly famous are those in the area of Norcia, from which the Italian term “norcino”, which par excellence refers to the producer and seller of meats.

Other “noble” ingredients that recur in the Umbrian flavors are the truffle, an authentic emblem of this gastronomy (especially on the mountain slope east of the region and in the middle and upper Valnerina), as well as the extra virgin olive oil, essential in almost all of local recipes. The areas of Orvieto, Montefalco, Torgiano and the area of Lake Trasimeno are also famous for their vines, from which numerous DOP wines are made.