- Serving: For 4 People
Salame turco ricetta siciliana tradizionale
Turkish salami traditional sicilian recipe
500 gr of dry biscuits
100 gr of sugar
60 gr of bitter cocoa
50 gr of butter
1/2 glass of milk
1 egg
30 ml Marsala
Icing sugar
In a bowl, mix the egg with the sugar, then add the melted butter over low heat together with the sifted bitter cocoa and continue to mix. Then pour in a little milk and the marsala until a homogeneous and fairly hard and consistent mixture is obtained, then add the dry biscuits, coarsely crumbled, and mix for another time.
Spread the mixture on foil and roll with your hands to create the shape of a salami, then close the ends of the foil and place the Turkish salami in the refrigerator for at least four hours or in the freezer for two hours before serving it cut into slices .
You can sprinkle with icing sugar.
Enjoy your meal!